Friday, November 2, 2012
Controlling my fatherly anger.
This morning I got the shock of my life. I was in bed sleeping and my wife had gotten up to get ready for work. Normally she fixes her breakfast and then gets out 8 month old daughter up for daycare. I had previously gotten up to use the toilet and just to pop my head in and see them. (Mainly because my daughter was shouting a little bit and I didn't want her to wake up the neighbors) So after that I went to lye back down when all of a sudden I hear my wife start saying "no no" and sounds of her surprised over something. Amongst that I heard a loud thump an that was followed by cries. Apparently, my 8 month old had falling from her changing table onto the floor. I came rushing to see what the problem was and I was of course concerned with what happened but I was so afraid that I began losing my cool. Shortly after my wife calmed our daughter down, we call the emergency doctor and they told us that if she is smiling and laughing (which she was cause I was trying to comfort her in my own silly way) then there was nothing to worry about. After examine her head and neck for any other unseen injuries my wife drove the baby to daycare. I do realize that I was a bit hard on my wife and I only do it because it was something that I couldn't control. I know that my wife means well and if by chance she is reading this I want her to know that I love her not matter what. I am totally sorry for chewing her head off. The father protector in me doesn't like when ANYTHING happens to its offspring.
Monday, October 22, 2012
MUK has taken over.

Its starting to make our floorboards pop up and I have bought all the sprays to make it go away but nothing works. So we have been eyeballing a new place to move into. This with the combination of noisy neighbors makes the argument even better. I am okay with it if it means the health of my little girl. Moving right down the road is great but I mean when you look at where we are located in Randers then you might think otherwise.
In the meantime, things have been moving a little bit forward. I say that because last week I had a interview for a temp. job. I would be lifting big creates of seeds. But the pay is darn good. within 2 days i'll be turning 32. A lot of you might be asking what do I want for my birthday, well there is only one thing I really want. I am planning on getting back in shape. Mainly because I want to live long enough to see my daughter grow up and go through all of life's test. So, I want to have a Nike+Fuel band. Now I know some of you are going to say it would help me lose the weight, it will be something that motivates me to get out and lose it.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Bizarre Compliments
There is nothing like getting told that you look good, you've been working out and it shows, or just whatever is told to you that makes you feel all warm and toasty inside.
But the other day I was with some friends and one of them told me about a compliment that I thought was sort of backhanded. What I mean by that is its a compliment on one hand but it has some negativity on the other side. With that being said I when into facebook and starting looking for some that was posted on a page. Here are some of the most oddest "backhanded compliments" I have ever hear.
I am 6 months pregnant- a woman stopped me and said "oh hunny your so tiny, when are you due" I said December and she says "oh you have a long way to go you will get fat"
Sitting in the corner of town center mall food court (10yrs ago) I had finished nursing my newborn son. I noticed a women staring at me. She walks over and says, "he's beautiful! Is he yours? He doesn't resemble you too much" I informed her that I was the Town Center wet nurse and random people use my services when shopping prevents them from breast feeding their babies.
I was about 16 and working at the Rapids Water Park. One day a very large man walked up and said, "Ay girll yous got some nice teef"
I have dwarfism and I had a random stranger come up to me and say. "God bless you. You are a reminder that life could be worse. I could be a midget."
I was at my sons football game and a dad on our same team came up to me and said "gee your son is really good" of course I say thank you. He then says he's a big boy. Then the guys says must of helped for him to have a big mom like you
I'm "KFC" finger lickin' good
My obgyn, he said i had nice looking u know what
I was walking into the circkle k gas station with my son when this guy opened the door for us then said "you know you want my child support check too"
I love the peach fuzz on your face
That I resemble Casey Anthony
On my first OB visit for being pregnant my Dr says "well I hope your breastfeeding so ur baby will NEVER go hungry.."
Someone at a grocery store said" I couldn't help notice how beautiful u are.... I love your cellulite
But the other day I was with some friends and one of them told me about a compliment that I thought was sort of backhanded. What I mean by that is its a compliment on one hand but it has some negativity on the other side. With that being said I when into facebook and starting looking for some that was posted on a page. Here are some of the most oddest "backhanded compliments" I have ever hear.
I am 6 months pregnant- a woman stopped me and said "oh hunny your so tiny, when are you due" I said December and she says "oh you have a long way to go you will get fat"
Sitting in the corner of town center mall food court (10yrs ago) I had finished nursing my newborn son. I noticed a women staring at me. She walks over and says, "he's beautiful! Is he yours? He doesn't resemble you too much" I informed her that I was the Town Center wet nurse and random people use my services when shopping prevents them from breast feeding their babies.
I was about 16 and working at the Rapids Water Park. One day a very large man walked up and said, "Ay girll yous got some nice teef"
I have dwarfism and I had a random stranger come up to me and say. "God bless you. You are a reminder that life could be worse. I could be a midget."
I was at my sons football game and a dad on our same team came up to me and said "gee your son is really good" of course I say thank you. He then says he's a big boy. Then the guys says must of helped for him to have a big mom like you
I'm "KFC" finger lickin' good
My obgyn, he said i had nice looking u know what
I was walking into the circkle k gas station with my son when this guy opened the door for us then said "you know you want my child support check too"
I love the peach fuzz on your face
That I resemble Casey Anthony
On my first OB visit for being pregnant my Dr says "well I hope your breastfeeding so ur baby will NEVER go hungry.."
Someone at a grocery store said" I couldn't help notice how beautiful u are.... I love your cellulite
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Unemployment is so Annoying
Well, like I promised, going to talk about being unemployed.
Its been a little over a month in a half since my boss told me I have been released by the company and will not have my contract renewed. Since then I have (or I should say my wife) spent over 2 to 3 hours A DAY, looking for jobs. The problem is that not that there aren't any. Believe me, when we go onto there are a shit load of jobs. Whats annoying is that we have sent in over 10 application (give or take) a week. Now the american in me feels very stupid. I should be the type that is able to land a job with their eyes closed, but yet when I have to wait 3½weeks for these people (and that is definitlty not the term I use) to write a email back and say "oh we have over 200 other applicants and we are sorry to say that it is not you but what we will do is keep you things on file.." it gets REALLY annoying. So what am I applying for you might ask,
Its been a little over a month in a half since my boss told me I have been released by the company and will not have my contract renewed. Since then I have (or I should say my wife) spent over 2 to 3 hours A DAY, looking for jobs. The problem is that not that there aren't any. Believe me, when we go onto there are a shit load of jobs. Whats annoying is that we have sent in over 10 application (give or take) a week. Now the american in me feels very stupid. I should be the type that is able to land a job with their eyes closed, but yet when I have to wait 3½weeks for these people (and that is definitlty not the term I use) to write a email back and say "oh we have over 200 other applicants and we are sorry to say that it is not you but what we will do is keep you things on file.." it gets REALLY annoying. So what am I applying for you might ask,
- Storage
- productions (factories)
- Customer Service (not the best but its there)
- hospital (nothing surgery)
- admin/IT (cause I am really good with computers. Just not Networking/coding)
- secretary
- international
- janitorial (the high class low)
and many others that if I looked into our mailbox right now you would see so many applications and CV's I have sent and some I haven't even heard word back from them.
So this has prompt me to become a little bit worried. I really don't want to lose our car and bank loans. But the way things are starting to spiral downward right now I am not even looking forward to my own 32 birthday. Why? because the gift(s) that I want would cost money that we don't have. Whats even worst is the thought of our kid being taking out of daycare because we cant cover the cost to have her in there. And that would me I would have to sit and watch her (the baby) while mommie goes to work and you already know my torerance is not up to that level just yet.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
When the Kid is sick...
OK OK!! I know NONE of you have been wondering where the Favorite vlogger guy went to? Sorry that I have been non-existent on here. For those of you that are parents will understand this. The past month my little girl (or as I call her "monkey") has been sick. First it started with just a mild cold which child are prone to getting when they go to a daycare. But it was really odd has fast it hit her. (which leave me to think just what the hell are they doing at the daycare? Watching the kids lick one another?) After about 3 days that broke and she was fine. Or so we thought. A few days after she began coughing really bad when she was sleeping. My wife and I started to give her water to drink at nights and thought that would help. But before you know it her nose began to run again with snot, and just this past weekend she had (what I thought was pink eye) some type of infection that came out of her eyes. (some yellowish stuff) It was so bad that at night when she slept or napped and awoke from it her eyes would be totally covered like a scab when you fall. Again, I am a new parent and these sorts of things have a impact on me. I want my little girl to feel better, not get worse. Its hard for me to be happy and get her mind off of it when she looks like a zombie. So this past week I have been in a "bad daddy" mode to the point I was about to shoot the next person that came up with some stupid remedy to cure her. (only replying this to a family member that side use saltwater to get rid of the infection in her eyes. and yes I am aware that does work but what about the COLD ITSELF!!) But all hope was saved and I didn't have to go hulking rage mode, because we went to the doctor yesterday and she knew right away what it was. (Some type of weird named virus) So of course she wrote a script for Jas and we picked it up just moments after leaving the doctor. Right away I could tell this stuff was working because she had a nap and I had just come back from driving into another city looking for a job (OH YEAH, that's going to be the next blog. There is some much bullshit that I am getting back from sending job applications) and the first thing I had noticed was that her eyes were not producing that yellow crap. (plus the fact that it smelled like cherries and daddy loves cherries) The only bad thing I will say about it is that I think it is laced with sugar because it kept her up for an hour past her normal bedtime, as she wanted to have a life long talk with her mother.
Today I am happy and back to my normal self along side with my little monkey. (whom I am sitting and watching her play right now on the floor) I can see she is back to her happy baby self and all is well. (except for the cough her or there) now the only thing is to get her focused on crawling forward and not backwards! :o)
Today I am happy and back to my normal self along side with my little monkey. (whom I am sitting and watching her play right now on the floor) I can see she is back to her happy baby self and all is well. (except for the cough her or there) now the only thing is to get her focused on crawling forward and not backwards! :o)
bad parents,
Randers, Denmark
Friday, September 14, 2012
You know my child?
Lately, besides worrying about trying to find a job to keep my family out of debt or have my wife work crazy hours to keep us in the green, I have had to worry about other people trying my nerves about my kid.
Take for example, at this moment I am some where else and my little mama just got done eating half of her dinner and a bottle. So it goes to let her be along with her toys on the floor for a while and try not to shake her up because she will instantly bring it back up and we all know that when it comes back up its a bitch to clean up off them and the floor or where ever they are at.
So in the meantime, someone picks her up and begins "playing" superhero and turning her in the air. Of course I know that they are just trying to have fun with her and all but earlier they came in being all loud while my wife was trying to put her to sleep. Coming home from a long day of work is one thing but when you come home and your being all loud (when you know at the time your coming home is the time the child is trying to sleep)
So, it comes with the territory when I am annoyed when people just don't wanna hear what your (in this case me) trying to tell them and that they think that they have all the knowledge in the world when it comes to something that they have no clue about. am I wrong for a having this thought process when it comes to something I have been in contact with all majority of its life? Help me out here? Would Like to know your thoughts. Leave the comments below on the page or leave on the facebook fan page as well.
Take for example, at this moment I am some where else and my little mama just got done eating half of her dinner and a bottle. So it goes to let her be along with her toys on the floor for a while and try not to shake her up because she will instantly bring it back up and we all know that when it comes back up its a bitch to clean up off them and the floor or where ever they are at.
So in the meantime, someone picks her up and begins "playing" superhero and turning her in the air. Of course I know that they are just trying to have fun with her and all but earlier they came in being all loud while my wife was trying to put her to sleep. Coming home from a long day of work is one thing but when you come home and your being all loud (when you know at the time your coming home is the time the child is trying to sleep)
So, it comes with the territory when I am annoyed when people just don't wanna hear what your (in this case me) trying to tell them and that they think that they have all the knowledge in the world when it comes to something that they have no clue about. am I wrong for a having this thought process when it comes to something I have been in contact with all majority of its life? Help me out here? Would Like to know your thoughts. Leave the comments below on the page or leave on the facebook fan page as well.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
I am doing Twitter Wrong?
In today's social media, there is so much going on it could pass you by if your not up to speed with the way it works. I was the type that though "I will never have a MySpace account. Because of the weirdos and wacks that try to snatch you up off the internet or hack into your personal information because your putting it out there to be seen" and I stood strongly by that. Then I met my wife who had one but wasn't into it much. Not long before that came facebook. Now again I stood strong footed but after a while got sucked into. (and not by Farmville. Wasn't even around at that time) Not the reason I gave into facebook was because I was leaving for another land. Leaving all my friends and family behind and needed some way to keep in contact with them.
That was 2007. Fast foward 5 years now. I have a Twitter, Blogger, HootSuit, FourSquare, Socialcam, Youtube, Instagram, and Tumblr. And out of all of those, twitter is the one I can't seem to understand.I send out all these tweets (and yes I use hashtags and all that other stuff when sending) but I very rarely get any response back. I do have some followers (if any real then the rest are all bots) and then there are some that I follow. (like NFL,ESPN,Basketball, Gamer, the usual man stuff....yes that involves some adult stuff too. Don't judge me) But, now I am starting to notice, some of my followers get their tweets retweeted by "Nancy-nobodies" and others get responses and likes. So my question is, HOW DOES THIS WORK!?! do I have to tweet a picture of my manhood (like Kanye) or what?
While we are on the topic of Social Media, all those that I have mentioned above I am apart of and would like if you would follow. Not to make my head big or anything. I would like to know my audiance and what they like/dislike from what I am doing. Many of them are in the links to the right of this, but others I have not posted so much and I am sorry for that. So here they all are for you enjoyment.
FourSquare: Des Collins
Socialcam: Des Collins
Instagram: des_ac
Tumblr: des_ac
and now that I think about it there is a little bonus I would like to present to you all. Since I spend about 75% of my time bullshitting on my Iphone, I would like to ask if you would add me your list on Game Center if you have it. I am ~Des 99~ Thanks alot!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Big guy with a Big Heart Gone
If you didn't already hear the news, a great actor left us yesterday. Michael Clarke Duncan past away yesterday after a a few weeks ago he suffered a heart attack and was being treated at a hospital.
For those of you that don't know him he played Oscar like roles in great films like "the Green Mile" and "Armageddon"
I personally liked this guy. No matter any situation he was always able to be the big man with the big smile. He was always making you laugh or cry (pending on the movie he played in and his role) but what was stunning most of of is how he could transform that role into his own.
Born in Chicago in 1957, Duncan was raised by a single mother whose resistance to his playing football led to his deciding he wanted to become an actor. But when his mother became ill, he dropped out of college, Alcorn State University, and worked as a ditch digger and bouncer to support her. By his mid-20s, he was in Los Angeles, where he looked for acting parts and became a bodyguard for Will Smith, Jamie Foxx and other stars. The murder of rapper Notorious B.I.G., for whom Duncan had been hired to protect before switching assignments, led him to quit his job and pursue acting full-time.
How do you remember MCD? Was there a t.v. shows that he played in that you remember or was it all films? Leave your comments below!
So long big guy! Hope you smiling down upon us on the way to the pearly gates!
For those of you that don't know him he played Oscar like roles in great films like "the Green Mile" and "Armageddon"
I personally liked this guy. No matter any situation he was always able to be the big man with the big smile. He was always making you laugh or cry (pending on the movie he played in and his role) but what was stunning most of of is how he could transform that role into his own.
Born in Chicago in 1957, Duncan was raised by a single mother whose resistance to his playing football led to his deciding he wanted to become an actor. But when his mother became ill, he dropped out of college, Alcorn State University, and worked as a ditch digger and bouncer to support her. By his mid-20s, he was in Los Angeles, where he looked for acting parts and became a bodyguard for Will Smith, Jamie Foxx and other stars. The murder of rapper Notorious B.I.G., for whom Duncan had been hired to protect before switching assignments, led him to quit his job and pursue acting full-time.
How do you remember MCD? Was there a t.v. shows that he played in that you remember or was it all films? Leave your comments below!
So long big guy! Hope you smiling down upon us on the way to the pearly gates!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
The Week Ahead of Me
Well as many of you know, this past Thursday, I got laid offed from my job. I am not to pleased about it. But I am aware that there is nothing I can really do. Today was probably the first day I smiled about anything in a long time since the news.
Now, I look forward just to hear back from people that are looking for employees to work. And let me tell you its not as easy as it sounds. But I am putting all my efforts and talents into finding something as soon as possible but I am aware (again) that its not just going to fall into may lap.
For those of you that are wondering about me continuing to "Google Hangout Streams" yes I will continue to do them. But please take not it will only be AFTER my kid is asleep and it will be on a microphone to keep her from waking it. (Her bedroom is right next to our living room)
But enough of the boring shit that you already know about. I will inform you that I have been involved in a new game app on my Iphone called "Mindfued" Just like wordfued but only with monkeys and different shapes and colors. Something I can not explain but its pretty neat. So if you fancy a game please feel free to send me an invite. (Des_1999)
Another thing I have to look forward to, is that tomorrow I go into surgery. Nothing fancy it just for my toenails Now I know it sounds like nothing but best believe I have my toenails removed in the past and it sort of hurts. But this time around I am getting both of them taken off an hopefully they will not return so jacked up and painful like before. If your one of those types that Like to see gross stuff on youtube, (and be honest, we all have look or searched for "biggest zit" or "boil" removed on their) you can feel free to watch on old vid I took when it got done a few years ago.
On top of that my kiddo starts her first swimming lesson and then her first day of daycare on Tuesday. So i guess its not all that bad huh?!
Now, I look forward just to hear back from people that are looking for employees to work. And let me tell you its not as easy as it sounds. But I am putting all my efforts and talents into finding something as soon as possible but I am aware (again) that its not just going to fall into may lap.
For those of you that are wondering about me continuing to "Google Hangout Streams" yes I will continue to do them. But please take not it will only be AFTER my kid is asleep and it will be on a microphone to keep her from waking it. (Her bedroom is right next to our living room)
But enough of the boring shit that you already know about. I will inform you that I have been involved in a new game app on my Iphone called "Mindfued" Just like wordfued but only with monkeys and different shapes and colors. Something I can not explain but its pretty neat. So if you fancy a game please feel free to send me an invite. (Des_1999)
On top of that my kiddo starts her first swimming lesson and then her first day of daycare on Tuesday. So i guess its not all that bad huh?!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Worst Day EVAR!!
Today started out normal like any other day. I got up and did my daily morning routine. I stopped by the gas station and even got cheap gas today. My body hurt a little form training on Wednesday night, but it did stop me from coming into the office.
Normally on this day I would have eaten morning bread with the rest of the people but they had already started, so I just joined them and chatted for a bit.
After that I came to my desk and did the normal routine of checking email and seeing what I had to do today.
There wasn't much so I make best of what I could do by double checking another assignment that I had been working on. After a while, I felt really tired and could feel a small cold coming over me. So, right before lunch I had deiced I would go home and I did.
After a 25 minute drive back home I when in to bedroom to rest, but only to be woken up by the alert from my Iphone. It was my boss and she wanted me to come in for a meeting at 2. Frustrated, I put my clothes back on and drove back out to the office only to be told today I would be terminated.
Now, I had been expecting it for sometime since the company is firing people to say money, but for it to come this fast took my breathe away. Now, I am to what I use to do before I moved to Jylland. I feel like I will never find another job that is so great like the one I had. Nothing will even come close. I guess I can make time to find something on most of the job sites, but you know how that goes!
Normally on this day I would have eaten morning bread with the rest of the people but they had already started, so I just joined them and chatted for a bit.
After that I came to my desk and did the normal routine of checking email and seeing what I had to do today.
There wasn't much so I make best of what I could do by double checking another assignment that I had been working on. After a while, I felt really tired and could feel a small cold coming over me. So, right before lunch I had deiced I would go home and I did.
After a 25 minute drive back home I when in to bedroom to rest, but only to be woken up by the alert from my Iphone. It was my boss and she wanted me to come in for a meeting at 2. Frustrated, I put my clothes back on and drove back out to the office only to be told today I would be terminated.
Now, I had been expecting it for sometime since the company is firing people to say money, but for it to come this fast took my breathe away. Now, I am to what I use to do before I moved to Jylland. I feel like I will never find another job that is so great like the one I had. Nothing will even come close. I guess I can make time to find something on most of the job sites, but you know how that goes!
Randers, Denmark
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Whats New? YFV UPDATE!
I know that it might seem that I have been MIA for q few days or so, but things are going somewhat down hill in my life. Now it has nothing to do with my baby or wife. OH no! but it has to do with my job. As of Thursday (last week) they made a huge announcement that they were still in a case of "firing round" and the estimate number of people getting laied off was around 1,400. Now I am not at liberty to say the mane of my job (for fear that even putting the name in this could cause someone to read it and then I would reall have to explain myself) but we can all honestly agree, that this isn't good. The fact of the matter is that its even more scary for my wife who is actually hired there full-time compared to me who is part-time. So it safe to say that no company would fire a mother for spending time with their child but at the same time it could leave them to say that she has been away from the company so long that shes not update with where the company is heading or what they have been doing. If the bread winner gets canned then its not good for all of us. But before you say "what don you go out and look for a job?" I can honestly answer you back and say that I am. But its been a wave of "we have found a better person to full-fill the position", so it back to the drawing board.
But let take a negative into a positive. We have found a daycare for my little one! We were a bit panicked for a while because the government was sending us out to places that we didn't really have time to drive out of our own town just to turn around and pass through it again to go to work. But a few days later, we got a call back and found one that was five minutes away. Jas will start next Monday, plus on top of that it will be her first day of swimming lessons, which we are very excited for. Lately, she has been kicking all over the place. She hasn't yet begun to crawl but shes in the phase were she rolls from back to stomach at will and in the blink of an eye. All of this will be happening the same day I go in to surgery to get my big toes operated on. (both nails are getting removed)
In the meantime. I have been having tons of fun just "hanging out" If you not hip to the logo, basically I have been doing a lot of Googles "hangout" streams. It mainly have been a few fellow followers that has stuck with this blog and production and I hope that they will tell many other friend and help populate the stream. Mainly it has been a lot of talk about how things are going for me n Denmark or many question about culture differences. When it not serious talk, there is always some fun by find stuff on Youtube and other sites. If you the reader are interested in joinning in on the fun you could always leave a email on here or on youtube and when the next stream begins then I can send a email invite to the stream. By checking out the video below you can get a taste of what goes on.
So that is it from YFV camp. I hope you haven't think I have abandon this project. I have been planning some big time projects in the near future where you will be taking a journey with me as I begin "YFV BL" In the next few blogs I will go into futhre expenation of this then. Thanks for hanging in there if you have been here from the start and stay tuned!
But let take a negative into a positive. We have found a daycare for my little one! We were a bit panicked for a while because the government was sending us out to places that we didn't really have time to drive out of our own town just to turn around and pass through it again to go to work. But a few days later, we got a call back and found one that was five minutes away. Jas will start next Monday, plus on top of that it will be her first day of swimming lessons, which we are very excited for. Lately, she has been kicking all over the place. She hasn't yet begun to crawl but shes in the phase were she rolls from back to stomach at will and in the blink of an eye. All of this will be happening the same day I go in to surgery to get my big toes operated on. (both nails are getting removed)
In the meantime. I have been having tons of fun just "hanging out" If you not hip to the logo, basically I have been doing a lot of Googles "hangout" streams. It mainly have been a few fellow followers that has stuck with this blog and production and I hope that they will tell many other friend and help populate the stream. Mainly it has been a lot of talk about how things are going for me n Denmark or many question about culture differences. When it not serious talk, there is always some fun by find stuff on Youtube and other sites. If you the reader are interested in joinning in on the fun you could always leave a email on here or on youtube and when the next stream begins then I can send a email invite to the stream. By checking out the video below you can get a taste of what goes on.
So that is it from YFV camp. I hope you haven't think I have abandon this project. I have been planning some big time projects in the near future where you will be taking a journey with me as I begin "YFV BL" In the next few blogs I will go into futhre expenation of this then. Thanks for hanging in there if you have been here from the start and stay tuned!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Parents of the Year!
Some of you know that I am a parent. I am aware what to do and what not to do with my kid. But yet there are so many others than just make me shake my head and wonder what the hell were they thinking. Thus, I bring to you who I think would be the worst "Parents of the Year" These are what I know about and how they became famous because of the GREAT discussions that they made.
3. Its one thing to let your kid ride on things, but its another when that thing is something that man can't truly control. Take for example and elevator. The group you see below should have known better but of course not. They thought it would be okay that little Billy should hop a ride on the right side of the escalator. The story says that the toddler only came away with scratches and bruises. (thank god) Only place that this could happen, in Russia of course. I am totally aware that it might have been a mother and grandmother but in the same sense, why would they let him get up on there to begin with.
3. Its one thing to let your kid ride on things, but its another when that thing is something that man can't truly control. Take for example and elevator. The group you see below should have known better but of course not. They thought it would be okay that little Billy should hop a ride on the right side of the escalator. The story says that the toddler only came away with scratches and bruises. (thank god) Only place that this could happen, in Russia of course. I am totally aware that it might have been a mother and grandmother but in the same sense, why would they let him get up on there to begin with.
bad parents,
scary viral,
Aarhus, Denmark
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Just because...
There are somethings I have notice since moving here to Denmark people do "just because" they can and the do it without any reasoning behind it. Here are just some of my worst pet peeves that drive me crazy and the overall comment from it is well..."just because"
Now this is one of the worst things that bring out road rage in me. And normally I don't let road rage get to me but some how it does because of asshole drivers. Now in Denmark there are many speed limits. you have a set speed when you incoming to a town (110 km) and you have a set when you leaving and just out on the highway. (130 km) Now lately, summer has ended and a lot of people are early to rise up in the morning to beat the morning traffic. Just this morning I got up at 6:45 so that I could get out of Randers early as possible. There is this car in from of me that just took off after a right turn and blew by a red-light doing at lease 65. Not wanting to stop he could have made things a lot hectic if he'd drove into someone. And to make matters worst, Denmark is know for it windmill so every once in a while your going to come across and big transport truck carrying a windmill blade. This truck is HUGE and thus takes a lot of space. Now on the danish highway you only have 2 lanes. The left lane is only used for passing. Thus leaving the right lane for controlled and save driving. But if your in the left lane driving under the pace of the rest you going to get someone that drives right up in behind you. If they are nice they might not do anything but 9 or 10 you get that asshole that will flash you and yet not realize that there is a HUGE as 16 wheeler that if it is hit could cause many injuries and death. Even if you get over to let them pass they are driving 150 km which is hella dangerous. The top (safe) speed is 130 km. Where the hell are you going in such a hurry?
- Avoiding pay parking
- Driving on the motorway (highway)
For those that are reading this leave your comments about what bothers you? Are these minor or can you relate? Also please make sure you tune into the 24 stream next week. It could be changing venues thus making things a lot easier. Hope to see you in the next blog.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
So, how should I take this comment? Re: TwitvlogsDK
So many of you know that I have been a vlogger since 2008. Now at that moment in time I was work hard but hadn't had a chance to get my name out in the community and the world hard enough. So someone dropped me a message saying to check out this group of vloggers out on twitter called twitvlogsdk. So sure enough I found them and worked very hard to understand their mission and the way that they were doing things. Now it's 2012. I have been following this group for 4 years. Now i didn't interact much with them on Facebook because I didn't feel I was good enough and that they would look at my blogs and be dubbed as "scrub". But all that changed just a few minutes ago. I wanted to get in touch with these guys and finally put myself into the spotlight. So I wrote them under the YFV facebook page only to get this in return.
As you can see, apparently you have to be a Dane in order to join the group. It's not enough that you share the same things in common. Oh no. You have to be a Dane. Now I've already taken in that maybe they just didn't know that I vlog. But it's kind hard to understand when I have commented in just about EVERY video that have placed up. I find it funny how they wouldn't know if I was active on twitter or not because the never seemed to wanted to follow me back.
I am wrong for seeing it in a negative light? I mean I find it a bit odd that the moment I made a charge, they wanted to shut the door and close it down. I normally let things slide off my back like water but I'm calling bullshit on this one. There are more than just Danes here. I bet if the shoe was In the other foot and we played the "Only American" card people would criticize the hell out of us for doing it. If your Danish and your reading this, I would like to get a better understanding.
UPDATE: just now they have written me back and say that they are breaking the group up and that they will not return. This is what I call some "funny business"
As you can see, apparently you have to be a Dane in order to join the group. It's not enough that you share the same things in common. Oh no. You have to be a Dane. Now I've already taken in that maybe they just didn't know that I vlog. But it's kind hard to understand when I have commented in just about EVERY video that have placed up. I find it funny how they wouldn't know if I was active on twitter or not because the never seemed to wanted to follow me back.
I am wrong for seeing it in a negative light? I mean I find it a bit odd that the moment I made a charge, they wanted to shut the door and close it down. I normally let things slide off my back like water but I'm calling bullshit on this one. There are more than just Danes here. I bet if the shoe was In the other foot and we played the "Only American" card people would criticize the hell out of us for doing it. If your Danish and your reading this, I would like to get a better understanding.
UPDATE: just now they have written me back and say that they are breaking the group up and that they will not return. This is what I call some "funny business"
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Why not Reply? Too Good Youtube Partners?!
Now, one of the thing that bothers me a lot is people that ask you do something but but can't answer back. It drives me absoulty crazy.
I guess I'll start out with the recent one I am bothered by. This kid is a great youtube. I like the idea that he has started a "Ask Me" like channel which brings in the views. Now what he also does is that he informs his audience that he has one of the those Google things where you can post a question to him. Brilliant Awesome, Genus! I got nothing agaisnt you when it comes to getting the people to flock to you. But what I do have a issue is when you (basically) run us over with that you want us to send in the questions to you but yet you never answer and of the GOOD ones. The last few months I have noticed that questions that he answers are becoming more and more stupider (I know stupider isn't a word) The first was when was his first gaming console, then about Iphone apps (which I admit was ok) but then from that moment it just went downhill. They (his audience) start asking about what he eats, how he farts, etc etc. Now I am starting to realize that his audience is about the same age as he is and should have expected something like this. I submitted 1 question that doesn't even really take much to think about. But apparently him telling them what his farts smells like is so much more important. GO FIGURE!
Now I know that guys (and gals) can't just sit by the PC and answer every question but why beat your audience over the head with a club about sending in the question when you your not going to answer the question that actually are serious questions. It makes no sense for you to make a 15+ minute youtube video about non-sense with your farts.
I guess I'll start out with the recent one I am bothered by. This kid is a great youtube. I like the idea that he has started a "Ask Me" like channel which brings in the views. Now what he also does is that he informs his audience that he has one of the those Google things where you can post a question to him. Brilliant Awesome, Genus! I got nothing agaisnt you when it comes to getting the people to flock to you. But what I do have a issue is when you (basically) run us over with that you want us to send in the questions to you but yet you never answer and of the GOOD ones. The last few months I have noticed that questions that he answers are becoming more and more stupider (I know stupider isn't a word) The first was when was his first gaming console, then about Iphone apps (which I admit was ok) but then from that moment it just went downhill. They (his audience) start asking about what he eats, how he farts, etc etc. Now I am starting to realize that his audience is about the same age as he is and should have expected something like this. I submitted 1 question that doesn't even really take much to think about. But apparently him telling them what his farts smells like is so much more important. GO FIGURE!
Now I know that guys (and gals) can't just sit by the PC and answer every question but why beat your audience over the head with a club about sending in the question when you your not going to answer the question that actually are serious questions. It makes no sense for you to make a 15+ minute youtube video about non-sense with your farts.
Monday, August 13, 2012
ITS BACK! Thats right! You know you have been waiting for it just like me. From the last play of SuperBowl every (american) gets a little sad when football season ends! But after a great summer and other great sports (like NBA) have come and gone, the NFL season starts up again!
I am very excited for this year because Tampa Bay has got a lot of new toys to work with this year beside a new headcoach! I was a little worried about the running game buck if Blount cant get the job done then we can count on our new back.
But overall, there is one thing I am not glad for when the NFL season begins. As many of you know, I live in Denmark and I am glad that they have a group that can cover the NFL. But this group of 3 (on TV3+) are one of the WORST bunch of commentaries I have heard in....well forever!
Now 2 of the three I can deal with but this one see above you, is the worst of the worst. At times he tries almost too hard to be "PrimeTime" by making his own little skit called "TommyTime". Now I will admit he has about 5% flair in front of the camera but yet when there is action on the field, he thinks he knows the penalty calls and they are way off and he screams like he's falling out of a tree onto a bed of spikes. In the beginning they had someone by the name of "Bubba" who KNEW what he was talking about when he was asked. Unlike this "wannabe" clown who chimes in when no one really ask him anything...but this was not meant to be negative towards him it was meant to say THAT FOOTBALL IS BACK! AND BOY AM I HAPPY!
Who do you think will be in the SuperBowl this year? Who is your favorite team?
I am very excited for this year because Tampa Bay has got a lot of new toys to work with this year beside a new headcoach! I was a little worried about the running game buck if Blount cant get the job done then we can count on our new back.
But overall, there is one thing I am not glad for when the NFL season begins. As many of you know, I live in Denmark and I am glad that they have a group that can cover the NFL. But this group of 3 (on TV3+) are one of the WORST bunch of commentaries I have heard in....well forever!
Now 2 of the three I can deal with but this one see above you, is the worst of the worst. At times he tries almost too hard to be "PrimeTime" by making his own little skit called "TommyTime". Now I will admit he has about 5% flair in front of the camera but yet when there is action on the field, he thinks he knows the penalty calls and they are way off and he screams like he's falling out of a tree onto a bed of spikes. In the beginning they had someone by the name of "Bubba" who KNEW what he was talking about when he was asked. Unlike this "wannabe" clown who chimes in when no one really ask him anything...but this was not meant to be negative towards him it was meant to say THAT FOOTBALL IS BACK! AND BOY AM I HAPPY!
Who do you think will be in the SuperBowl this year? Who is your favorite team?
Friday, August 10, 2012
What's with being the "First" of something?
There are some things man are suppose to be first to. Tickets for a concert, when the bank opens, even when your getting some action in the bedroom, its still okay to be first in these situations. But when you basically "stalk" someone youtube video or page just to be the first comment, THAT'S REALLY STUPID. I mean all the hard work I put in to a video and the only thing you can comment on about it is that your bragging because your the first person to leave a comment. I wonder who came up with this concept?
I watch the entire video from start to finish. Because it sparks my interest. And I actually leave a 2 sentence comment because I want to let the tuber know that I think their video was worth something. So many great youtubers have deleted or ban people because if this non-sense, and I can understand why. If your a tuber (like myself) what do you do when you get someone that plays the "first" comment game on your video? Leave your comments.
Oh, BTW, if you haven't already seen the video where I interviewed folks in Denmark about the leader of DF leaving you can now do so on the youtube channel. Have a great weekend everyone.
I watch the entire video from start to finish. Because it sparks my interest. And I actually leave a 2 sentence comment because I want to let the tuber know that I think their video was worth something. So many great youtubers have deleted or ban people because if this non-sense, and I can understand why. If your a tuber (like myself) what do you do when you get someone that plays the "first" comment game on your video? Leave your comments.
Oh, BTW, if you haven't already seen the video where I interviewed folks in Denmark about the leader of DF leaving you can now do so on the youtube channel. Have a great weekend everyone.
Pia kjaersgaard,
Randers, Denmark
Thursday, August 9, 2012
What Denmark thinks....
Yesterday I did the unthinkable. Normally I don't do something like this because I don't like to go up and just bother people, (well unless they really are being a jerk and they ask for it) but like in my last video, I wanted to find out how danes feel about the recent news of the leader of DF (Pia Kjaersgaard, below) stepping down. As far as I heard about her, she a very powerful person and for her to want to stop is rather interesting.
So yesterday when I was on my way to football training, I manager to build the strength and walk up to people and hear their thoughts. Overall I must have interacted with at least 20 people but once they noticed the camera or what it was about, many of them declined to the interview, and that is perfectly ok. I did manage to get about 4 women and their thoughts. (whats with the men? Made me think that they where on their periods) I am pretty excited to get home and edit this so that I can upload it and let you guys see. But please be VERY respectful to these peoples opinion.
So yesterday when I was on my way to football training, I manager to build the strength and walk up to people and hear their thoughts. Overall I must have interacted with at least 20 people but once they noticed the camera or what it was about, many of them declined to the interview, and that is perfectly ok. I did manage to get about 4 women and their thoughts. (whats with the men? Made me think that they where on their periods) I am pretty excited to get home and edit this so that I can upload it and let you guys see. But please be VERY respectful to these peoples opinion.
Pia kjaersgaard,
Randers, Denmark
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Getting pooped on Live Tv.
I have watched this at least over 500 times and laughed myself in to a breathless mess. I am right in to the TV when TV2 does there end of the year Bloopers as well. I know some of them aren't as funny but you got to admit, you guys go above and beyond when it comes to live TV errors, miscues, or the most funnest line (which to this date is still funny to me) "hvornår har du sidst haft rejsning?" Dear God! If something like that was said in the states they would have "BLEEPED" it out and never would have know. So if there is a "BEST COUNTRY TV BLOOPER award, hands down, Denmark win. You guys make tv so watchable!
In the meantime, I would like to give a round of shoutouts to the on going people that have subbed and left comments on my video. But what I am going to do is just start copying and pasting what I think the best comments I see and thus you'll get a shoutout. I know its only Tuesday and I already have at least 25 comments to sort through. Here is the best I have seen that made me smile and glad I am vlogging.
Nice to see you refer to it as football instead of soccer in your headline. But it's no good in the description below! ;)
You can get Pop Tarts in Super Best ;)
Syntes det er rigtig fedt at se din videoer !
I think I will remind you that Lithuania basketball team is not bad. And i actually think they beat US last Olympic games ore some Olympics ago. (I think) And you are right! Wi are so proud of the 8 medals wi have now. No.16 of all the country's so far. So that is good and I hope wi win 1 ore 2 more. Great blog once again :)
These four have made my day and even more they have been on the site page on Facebook. Mad props to you guys and thanks again. So before I leave, going to issue the next vlog for you guys. If you have question or there is something YOU want me to vlog about, leave it in the comments below!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Egos Like no Other
Before I start I want all of you that are reading this, please understand, I am not bashing ANYONE, I am just saying what I am seeing. If you feel personally insulted or feel that I am bashing an athlete and their respect countries I am not. So take this with a grain of salt.

For those of you that follow the NBA (National Basketball Association) when the choice came down for him to go to a new team and leave Cleveland, he was criticized for that. When he finally made the choice to go to Miami and they got all the way to the NBA finals only to lose to the Dallas Mavericks (after he had be asked the question how many Championship he thought they (Bosh, Wade, and LeBron) would get. And if you remember the response....Not 1,2, 3, etc) he was criticized then as well. So if history has showed us (and we all know that it has) Usian Bolt might not want to put all his eggs in that #1 basket of his. I'm just saying.
Like before I want to inform you of how you can stay afloat with all that is going on with me. There is a new ling to the fray. If you look to the right of this you can see a box that holds links to all the YFV sites. Please go and check out the latest which is up and running on Facebook by clicking it there or here.
Lasty, before I close, I want to give a bunch of shoutouts to some of the recent danish fans I have receieved over the past few days. If it wasn't for you all, I wouldn't be doing this. You guys fuel me to keep this going.
Jimmi Pedersen
Each person has stuck with me and I am seeing constant comments from then. So much thanks to you. Check out there channels as well. Thanks for reading and Vi ses i næste blog!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Football and Football
I can't count how many arguments I have had with people here in Denmark about which sport is greater! I great up on American Football just like so many have grew up with soccer over here. But the main benefactor for me was that I had never been to a game....UNTIL NOW!! Yesterday my father-in-law got free tickets to go to a match and this was the one opportunity I had to actually go. (I know that there is a stadium in Randers but I never hear anything about giving away free tickets or anything) Now the main complaint is that there are many breaks in american football. OF COURSE THERE ARE IF YOUR WATCHING IT ON TV. but if you go to a live football game you'll notice that the breaks/commercials are only for the people that are broadcasting it. I mean they have to earn their money too. Now I will admit sitting and watching this match there was no breaks at all. But it took over 87 minutes before the first score came about. (which is what your seeing above) I will admit too that I don't know much about the rules or the strategy behind what the players should or shouldn't be doing but it made the match a little drawn out. I think the most exciting (now granted there are other game where I know if I was there it could have been more exciting) was when players get caution Yellow/red cards. If it was on the home team of course the crowd doesn't like it and boos the hell out of the ref, and yet if its on the other team they cheer. Stuff like that reminds me of NFL. But I won't bash it any longer. I remember saying once I moved here that I would never EVER go to a soccer game because it was just to boring. I guess I was wrong on that account, and for that I am sorry Denmark. :)
Aalborg, Denmark
Friday, August 3, 2012
Fears that I can't control.
Soon I will be 32 years old. I try not to think about stuff like this but it just comes up and scares me from time to time.
One of the hugest fears I have is losing a limb. My dad (whom I love very much) had diabetes and had to have both legs amputated. I truly try to watch what I eat and remain active in my sporting events but I tend to get cravings and over eat. I will also admit that I put salt almost on everything I eat. This combination is a recipe for a quick death.
Another that bugs me from time to time is that I suddenly drop dead. It has happened to many people that last few year. Seeing that my daughter is only 6 months old there is some much I want to experience with her. It would be so sad if i didn't even get to see her off to school or anything else in life.
I know it just a state of mind, but these things wander from time to time and play puppeteer in my head. Have you ever had thoughts like this? Is it normal that humans think about this at this age. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
One of the hugest fears I have is losing a limb. My dad (whom I love very much) had diabetes and had to have both legs amputated. I truly try to watch what I eat and remain active in my sporting events but I tend to get cravings and over eat. I will also admit that I put salt almost on everything I eat. This combination is a recipe for a quick death.
Another that bugs me from time to time is that I suddenly drop dead. It has happened to many people that last few year. Seeing that my daughter is only 6 months old there is some much I want to experience with her. It would be so sad if i didn't even get to see her off to school or anything else in life.
I know it just a state of mind, but these things wander from time to time and play puppeteer in my head. Have you ever had thoughts like this? Is it normal that humans think about this at this age. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Welcome to the YFV Blogger!
It's your favoritevlogger here. I have tried this Blogger thing in the past and it didn't go well but now I am giving it another try. If you new to this you can always get updated by going to my YouTube page. By clicking HERE it will take you straight there.
By the way my name, well I don't know half or all of you that follow me or even care, but I gave everything I had in the states to move here to be with a danish girl and things have worked out to the highest of highs! If you really want to know who I am you can check me out on my Facebook page by clicking HERE. Please try not to bombard me with the invites. Since I don't know many of you (and I would love to get to understand am meet all my fans) don't take it personal if I don't friend accept you right away.
I have picked up the hobby of vlogging since I begin watching YouTube videos. Some have brought me great success while other are yet to be discovered. Overall, I would like to be come a YouTube partner but this task requires some ass kissing (in a lack of better words) I do know that some say that Denmark can't get sponsorship but I have found others that have earned the so called Non-Sponsorship. So with that being said, if they can achieve it, so can I.
Well I guess I have rambled for much of the day. Who knows who is going to read or find this interesting, let alone me. But I hope that you will become a follower and stay and board and take part in my adventure of life. Thanks you so much for taking time out to learn a little bit about me. Hope I haven't disappointed nor bored you! :D
Randers, Denmark
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