Friday, September 14, 2012

You know my child?

Lately, besides worrying about trying to find a job to keep my family out of debt or have my wife work crazy hours to keep us in the green, I have had to worry about other people trying my nerves about my kid.

Take for example, at this moment I am some where else and my little mama just got done eating half of her dinner and a bottle. So it goes to let her be along with her toys on the floor for a while and try not to shake her up because she will instantly bring it back up and we all know that when it comes back up its a bitch to clean up off them and the floor or where ever they are at.

So in the meantime, someone picks her up and begins "playing" superhero and turning her in the air. Of course I know that they are just trying to have fun with her and all but earlier they came in being all loud while my wife was trying to put her to sleep. Coming home from a long day of work is one thing but when you come home and your being all loud (when you know at the time your coming home is the time the child is trying to sleep)

So, it comes with the territory when I am annoyed when people just don't wanna hear what your (in this case  me) trying to tell them and that they think that they have all the knowledge in the world when it comes to something that they have no clue about. am I wrong for a having this thought process when it comes to something I have been in contact with all majority of its life? Help me out here? Would Like to know your thoughts. Leave the comments below on the page or leave on the facebook fan page as well.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I am doing Twitter Wrong?

In today's social media, there is so much going on it could pass you by if your not up to speed with the way it works.  I was the type that though "I will never have a MySpace account. Because of the weirdos and wacks that try to snatch you up off the internet or hack into your personal information because your putting it out there to be seen" and I stood strongly by that. Then I met my wife who had one but wasn't into it much. Not long before that came facebook. Now again I stood strong footed but after a while got sucked into. (and not by Farmville. Wasn't even around at that time) Not the reason I gave into facebook was because I was leaving for another land. Leaving all my friends and family behind and needed some way to keep in contact with them.

That was 2007. Fast foward 5 years now. I have a Twitter, Blogger, HootSuit, FourSquare, Socialcam, Youtube, Instagram, and Tumblr. And out of all of those, twitter is the one I can't seem to understand.I send out all these tweets (and yes I use hashtags and all that other stuff when sending) but I very rarely get any response back. I do have some followers (if any real then the rest are all bots) and then there are some that I follow. (like NFL,ESPN,Basketball, Gamer, the usual man stuff....yes that involves some adult stuff too. Don't judge me) But, now I am starting to notice, some of my followers get their tweets retweeted by "Nancy-nobodies" and others get responses and likes. So my question is, HOW DOES THIS WORK!?! do I have to tweet a picture of my manhood (like Kanye) or what?

While we are on the topic of Social Media, all those that I have mentioned above I am apart of and would like if you would follow. Not to make my head big or anything. I would like to know my audiance and what they like/dislike from what I am doing. Many of them are in the links to the right of this, but others I have not posted so much and I am sorry for that. So here they all are for you enjoyment.

FourSquare: Des Collins
Socialcam: Des Collins
Instagram: des_ac
Tumblr: des_ac

and now that I think about it there is a little bonus I would like to present to you all. Since I spend about 75% of my time bullshitting on my Iphone, I would like to ask if you would add me your list on Game Center if you have it. I am ~Des 99~ Thanks alot!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Big guy with a Big Heart Gone

If you didn't already hear the news, a great actor left us yesterday. Michael Clarke Duncan past away yesterday after a a few weeks ago he suffered a heart attack and was being treated at a hospital.

For those of you that don't know him he played Oscar like roles in great films like "the Green Mile" and "Armageddon"

I personally liked this guy. No matter any situation he was always able to be the big man with the big smile. He was always making you laugh or cry (pending on the movie he played in and his role) but what was stunning most of of is how he could transform that role into his own.

Born in Chicago in 1957, Duncan was raised by a single mother whose resistance to his playing football led to his deciding he wanted to become an actor. But when his mother became ill, he dropped out of college, Alcorn State University, and worked as a ditch digger and bouncer to support her. By his mid-20s, he was in Los Angeles, where he looked for acting parts and became a bodyguard for Will Smith, Jamie Foxx and other stars. The murder of rapper Notorious B.I.G., for whom Duncan had been hired to protect before switching assignments, led him to quit his job and pursue acting full-time.

How do you remember MCD? Was there a t.v. shows that he played in that you remember or was it all films? Leave your comments below!

So long big guy! Hope you smiling down upon us on the way to the pearly gates!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Week Ahead of Me

Well as many of you know, this past Thursday, I got laid offed from my job. I am not to pleased about it. But I am aware that there is nothing I can really do. Today was probably the first day I smiled about anything in a long time since the news.

Now, I look forward just to hear back from people that are looking for employees to work. And let me tell you its not as easy as it sounds. But I am putting all my efforts and talents into finding something as soon as possible but I am aware (again) that its not just going to fall into may lap.

For those of you that are wondering about me continuing to "Google Hangout Streams" yes I will continue to do them. But please take not it will only be AFTER my kid is asleep and it will be on a microphone to keep her from waking it. (Her bedroom is right next to our living room)

But enough of the boring shit that you already know about. I will inform you that I have been involved in a new game app on my Iphone called "Mindfued" Just like wordfued but only with monkeys and different shapes and colors. Something I can not explain but its pretty neat. So if you fancy a game please feel free to send me an invite. (Des_1999)

Another thing I have to look forward to, is that tomorrow I go into surgery. Nothing fancy it just for my toenails  Now I know it sounds like nothing but best believe I have my toenails removed in the past and it sort of hurts. But this time around I am getting both of them taken off an hopefully they will not return so jacked up and painful like before. If your one of those types that Like to see gross stuff on youtube, (and be honest, we all have look or searched for "biggest zit" or "boil" removed on their) you can feel free to watch on old vid I took when it got done a few years ago.

On top of that my kiddo starts her first swimming lesson and then her first day of daycare on Tuesday. So i guess its not all that bad huh?!